Monday, January 13, 2014

Women Shall Rule Them



It has taken me considerable time to understand how to begin writing what is in my heart. When I speak of considerable time, I am referring to the four-year time period living in my former homeland.. Why would it take so long to start to do any writing about issues that relate to women collectively and maliciously using their positions of power and authority, frequently secured by subterfuge?


I feel like I'm going to chuck all my computer gear out the window.  A few years ago I spent my entire Alaska Permanent Fund Benefit (+ some), to buy all completely new computer system.  I had a pretty reliable Windows system built to my specsifications BUT as some may know, the School District has a contract with Apple.

Also, I began this on December 11, 2013 and now it's two months later; think that two months of reflections might influence one original approach? Well, for me it has had a major change, especially when speaking about the nitty-gritty of the issue.



I have returned from a place where the idea, "Women Shall Rule Them" sound to the people in Asia the same as, Bull Frogs Will Conquer Creation!"  Their world has been around complete with written history, genealogical records and cultural ways for 10,000 years or one sixth of the 60,000 years which defines stolidly verifiable rendering of human history which can only be traced through the "Y Chromosome."  The scientists name this first man Adam but not to assert Bible statements.  

The "key" issue is entire human race can be traced back to one man using the "Y Chromosome." and this first man had two sons later.  These two sons left Africa, went northward and settled for a time in Eurasia.

The a link to the whole story in in the project name which follows: Human Genome Project.

Part 1 - Finding a Balance

Part 2 - The Power of Information

Part - The "Pros" and "Res" of Creation

Part 4 - Feeling The Ledge at the Abyss 

Part 5 - Are We Just Cosmic Pond Slime or a Design Majestic and Sublime.