Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My Page is here as I was in a hurry to get something up to address a critical matter.  However, each day I'm finding something more astounding yet still holding the ancient, unseen dark causal element that most of the world seems blind to.  I wish I could say I have all the time in the world, and in reality I do, it's just that "all the time in the world" is very very short.  This single fact is what people don't realize.

Edit: If all works well, changes to this web page will not appear.  For those who look at the URL associated with this page, it is clear to see that getting here requires some transfers to make use of web domaines.  Recent billing has proved to me that I must be conservative and keep all my work in one domain.

This isn't a problem in an effort to try and keep my identity, interests and personal life out of the way; however, the jumps sent through the QR codes will wind up people in a totally dead end in the near future, forcing me to make redirect's and a new QR code.

In Closing, as of this morning, the news associated with the topic below has been censored by some world powers, who have even gone so far as to produce postings discrediting the scientists who are scientists NOT media owners who heed the government warnings to never broadcast content that will disrupt the humming economy we are enjoying.  It a party mentality that is drinking it up and saying, "I'll deal with the hang-over just as soon as I stop drinking. They are doing this without knowing what kind of heat the world is in for and how the increased CO2 in the Arctic seems to simply be symptoms of a planet that is getting ready to do what a dog does when it comes out of the water, only using gases that heat the planet to ignition.

Yes in deed, there is a history in the rock layers and it holds a repeating sequence before the murderer steps in to going to kill.   If the book were about one critical murder, it might sell; but when you have five killings going on, you either throw the book away or ask why would the writer repeat the method of the murderer five times?  Well, the author wants the reader to know is methods, his steps, and all the move he makes to initiate the kill.

So in this story, these steps are seen happening.  First the discovery of oil developed a petroleum based life system.  The oil burns and makes CO2.  The CO2 doesn't go away, it collects allowing the earth get warm. Places that don't deal with warmth (like the Arctic) begin to melt permafrost which releases Methane which is another greenhouse gas with 21% more warming ability than CO2.  The main and critical difference between these gases is one will not burn (CO2) and the other (CH4) will burst into flames.  So, in the fossil records, this sequence or warming (from volcanos or other event) releases Methane which ignites killing all life on earth and leaving no air to breathe.

How to survive?  Go down to your local NASA Super Shopper and buy your genetic brood enough space-suits, oxygen and space food (for about ten to twenty million years ) and "BINGO" you make the journey through time.

Portal Passages

May 13, 2013
After reviewing the links to the various sites, blogs, and personal notes I have, feel free to ask questions.  If there are any people who know for certain that they have nothing to worry about because you have "EXPERIENCED" a validating passage to a portal out, a way to escape the irreversable process of nature; please feel free to e-mail your personal thoughts if you don't want to make public matters of a personal nature,

My E-Mail Address for this effort is: 1n3@gmx.com

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