Monday, May 27, 2013

It's High Tide We Go Shopping

Michael Rice

May 27, 2013

After reviewing the links to the various sites, blogs, and personal notes I have, feel free to ask questions.  If there are any people who know for certain that they have nothing to worry about because you have "EXPERIENCED" a validating passage to a portal out, a way to escape the irreversable process of nature; please feel free to e-mail your personal thoughts if you don't want to make public matters of a personal nature,

My E-Mail Address for this effort is:

1. Guy R. McPherson

This Above Link Will Take You To My Original Home Page
For those who know me, it's easy to tell that something major is going on. While in Korea I would write in my web page (Click The "Home" Link) ; it was easy to write when your life is daily full of joy. However, the shoddy manner by which the US Embassy in Korea made a great effort to "lose" my passport during my efforts to complete my Naturalisation as a Korean Citizen, an action taken so I could get a higher pay job as one who "owned" a school and not just worked for a person looking for money rather than showing love to children. Anyway, being back in the West is not unlike being in a graveyard. It's always good to see my Korean family. I'm putting this "after thought" here to explain why such a complete disruption of my everyday manner on my Home Page. You see, through the postings that I'm focusing on a critical issue for a reason so GREAT that much is found "between the lines." I pray a lot. Why? Well for the same reason you talk to people you love. For me, my Father has been with me since my birth, never perceived the sense of close presence as anything but normal. We would share thoughts and life went on. I would at time speak openly but later discovered that others laughed; it was at those times I realised that others must not have a friend who is with you, but just inside and not seen. Later I found out about Christianity and the church but whatever they were doing had little if any relationship to my what was inside me. When I reached puberty, I discovered that being more involved with someone to such an extent that it took my attention from my Heavenly Father was not good; as a matter of fact, this potential contact with women was the biggest and most painful problem of my life. It ended the day I made a connection between the nature and manner of my Friend when I found a big blue book in among my fathers clothing. On the front of the book it said, "Good News for Modern Man." I read some of the story about a man who had the same kind of Friendship I had except He not only had a relationship, He was my Friend in a physical body. This recognition changed my life and I went out into the world to tell others. The journey began with a ten year time of meeting few people because I was sleeping in a tent in the wilderness more than I ever saw a roof. During these times in nature, I discovered a special kind of rhythm or feeling, it hard to express, I just know that city life cut it off. In those ten years I learned something very amazing and it was written about by the Person who referred to Himself as the "Son of Man." There was something He could do that was very surprising and He showed me that He can do all those things now. So He taught me and showed me and I was astounded. If I told people they would never believe. So I'm in kind of a hurry. Why should I be in a hurry? Well it a little difficult to explain but I have an appointment to keep and after what scientists discovered, and the way it relates to what I learned, I know I must keep my appointment; but before I do, I was told, "Never doing things in a rush." I slowed down and began to listen to something wonderful.

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