Monday, May 27, 2013

Finding Humor in Earth's Termination Cycle

Personal Science 


Carbon Dioxide Like what you ehale or the bubblies in soda  


Methane like the gas you pass but with a foul oder

How To Find a Bit of Humor in Earth Days

     I know I'm going to die soon, as Alaska is posted as the ignition point for the global blaze.  I having to practice not to see some humor in all this.  I would rather die laughing than sobbing in by beer (above I wrote a CO2 "bear" which would be quite the companion).  Yeah, long ago in efforts to control forest fires, there was a sign posted with a bear in his ranger uniform.  The sign had him saying, "Only YOU can prevent forest fires."  Well that one needs an update, like, "Only humans would invent global Methane's just WAY TOO LATE.

     Now today, scientists are looking at the sedimentary layers, which for them, reads like a "Historical Action Novel" It's right there before them like a script to an old play; but them the gleam if excitement vanishes from there eyes of child like curiosity as the script where one sees the play performed by T-rex and chums. A chill suddenly surrounds them as clouds cover the sun and they realize that the ancient script is also the hand writing of A Great Seer who shows how the increasing CO2, followed by the CH4 signature and then an unusual sedimentary layer of material that can only be generated at extreme temperatures with no sign of CO2 or CH4...more of a precipitant from the soot of a blast furnace; isn't just an ancient record, but the prophetic utterance of an Architect, who built a garden and patiently waited eleven thousand years for his children to figure out they are not descendants of tree swinging mammals but being created as self-conscious

Now it repeats itself again.  The bad news about any idea of stopping it, is the length of the these gases remain even if we were to stop all emissions by tomorrow.  Then after that women world wide must tell men shop is closed for a few thousand years....ha  Ha HA!!  .....Forget it...We're All Going To Die)  Isn't that a scream!   It is very critical to remember that these extinction events are all natural cycles and the sixth is ending soon.  The humiliating part about the causal issues, no matter how hot it gets, how intense the hurricanes become and how intensely the globe will "snap crackle and pop" just like a breakfast cereal we need to realize the causal finger will be pointing back to each of us...abet...some more heavily than others.  Guy McPherson did his part by jumping off the grid; now...all these British scientists up here popping up through very thin sea ice are not bring hope to the villagers who now for the first time ever, look out on a totally ice free Arctic Ocean.  My apologizes for posting my naturally huge thoughts "here" rather than my blog devoted to the issue..

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